Maybe for some good intention, people who offer credit cards for students are sprouting in various campuses nowadays. And despite of the bad publicity regarding credit cards you should as well own one as you may become a card holder for life.
It does not mean to say that owning credit cards is a safer financial option therefore you should consider some important points before affixing your signature to affirm the deal. Nevertheless, if used properly, credit cards for students can be your tool to develop financial responsibility, help to gain credit, and provide you easy ways to pay for expenses.
Those who issue the card may utilize different ways to make the student go for their card that includes lower or zero interest rate for a certain period after acquiring the card. Low or zero might be that attractive, but getting cards that offer the best interest rate during the starting period may give you substantial savings in the long run.
Sometimes there are opportunities to get a card at a kiosk at school or during special events offered by certain companies that are new to you however there might be surprises ahead after dealing with them. Much better if you apply for a card in a bank where you hold an account with. The bank has already the details regarding your financial responsibility.
Though high limit provision can be indulging to spend money, having credit availability is necessary. Several rental car agencies and hotels will only consider larger sum on your credit card where $500 is at least the minimum in most instances. However, if the card limit is too high, it might lure you to spend impulsively and put you at risk of having difficulty of paying back.
Because of its convenience, you may use your card regularly. In this case, a card that has reward programs can provide you benefits by garnering points from your purchases or it might be a plane ticket purchase to visit home.
You may have at least five credit cards like the usual college students do. Owning this many cards can put you at risk for a bad credit report and can lure you to spend money that you do not have. Do not resort to this kind of practice to avoid being buried in debt later on.
There are cards that impose annual fees which you are required to pay every year. If you do not have any credit you should be able to qualify with another card without this useless cost.
There are several cards that provide plus programs intended for college students. Rewards are given for prompt payers or for students having good grades. You can take advantage of these offers which may give you more points on your purchases with less usage of the card.
Even though it is noted that wrong usage of credit card can imprint lasting wrong impression on your credit. Proper use of your card provides you the convenience for fast purchases, help you build your credit, and allow you to utilize services that are not offered by others. With the presence of many available choices, you should search around to make sure you are getting your card suitable for you and will give you the most benefit with ease.
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